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Church Flowers

The tradition of adorning Christian places of worship with flowers stems from the fourth century and has continued to the present day. 

Many species, such as the rose, the lily, the narcissus and passion flower, have been adopted as symbols of Jesus's promises and aspects of his ministry.  Indeed, the Bible is full of references to nature, using trees, plants and bushes to represent the growth cycle, the succession of seasons as well as death and resurrection. 

Look around you at the architecture of St Andrew's and you will see how flowers and natural forms have inspired the stone masons, carpenters and craftsmen who worked on this building through the centuries.

Today, St Andrew's has a flourishing group of floral arrangers who diligently prepare beautiful arrangements at all times of the year.  If you would like to become involved, please see the Contacts page, where you can find out who to contact.  The Flower Arrangers Rota can also be viewed and downloaded from there.

Page last updated: Thursday 10th August 2023 10:43 AM

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